Set additional information for installer files in Japanese

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Visual Studio
  • Visual Studio Community 2017
  • Visual Studio Community 2019
WiX Toolset

※ It works in other versions, but it is unconfirmed

At first

Installer files can include producers, tags, comments, etc. By default, you can only enter English, and even if you enter Japanese, you will get an error at the timing of the build.

Here, we will set the setting so that you can enter Japanese. It also describes each additional information that can be set in an installer file.

Preparation in advance

  • Assume that you have created an installer with WiX.

Edit Product.wxs (Japanese)

When you open the project in Visual Studio, open the Product.wxs file. Set the following parameters:


Code that identifies the display language of the product. 1033 is an English-speaking country. To be japanese, use 1041. For codes in other languages, check for Locale ID Number (LCID).

It is not related to the wizard screen during installation, but it affects the language of the installation file itself. If you don't use Japanese for the name or description of the creator, you can leave it at 1033, but if you want to use Japanese, it should be 1041.

  <Product Language="1041" />


The language of the installer itself. If you want to include Japanese in the text of the installer, please specify "1041".

    <Package Languages="1041" />


If you want to put Japanese in the text of the installer, please specify "932". Setting up a code page such as Unicode seems more versatile, but unfortunately it cannot be set.

    <Package SummaryCodepage="932" />


It is set to "Tag" in the installer file.

    <Package Keywords="ゲーム、インストーラー" />



It is set to "Subject" of the installer file.

    <Package Description="リトルセイバー 体験版 インストーラー" />



It is set to "Comment" in the installer file.

    <Package Comments="リトルセイバー体験版のインストーラーです。" />



It is set to "Author" of the installer file. It takes precedence over Wix/Product/@Manufacturer.

    <Package Manufacturer="ソーサリーフォース" />



This message is displayed when you start the old installer with a newer version of the application installed. ProductName is replaced by the product name.

    <MajorUpgrade DowngradeErrorMessage="すでに新しいバージョンの [ProductName] がインストールされているため、インストールを中断します。" />
