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Next, let's talk about the properties. Properties are like parameters that control the fine-grained settings of a form or control (such as a text box or button). By changing this, you can easily change the state of the form in the form of a form.

Let's open the previous project. How to open a project is listed later in the previous Tips , so please see it.


By the way, the editing screen of this form is called "designer". Right-click on the form displayed on the screen of this designer and select "Properties".


Then, I think that a window called "Properties" will be displayed on the right side of the screen. (The position displayed depends on the setting)


Let's change one parameter. There is an item called "Text" on the left side of the list, so try changing the string "Form1" to "Sample program" on the right side of it. After that, if you click on another place appropriately, you will see that the characters in the title bar of the designer form have changed.


Even if you try to do it, you can see that the characters have changed. Thus, .NET Framework applications can easily control forms and controls by changing this property.

Now, I would like to change the setting a little more for the sake of it. I would like to change the state of the form to "prevent it from being maximized" or "prevent the size of the form from being changed with the mouse".

First of all, to "prevent form from being maximized", find the item "MaximizeBox" from the property and set it to "False".


Then, to "prevent the form from being resized with the mouse", look for "FormBorderStyle" and select "FixSingle".


Now, try running it. The maximize button is disabled and the mouse can no longer resize the form.


That's it for the property. There are many others, so please try to change it yourself or find out.