Create a project for Zune

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Create a project for your game for Zune in XNA.

* In this tip, "Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition" is explained, but the content is basically the same for any edition of Visual Studio 2008.

Zune 用のプロジェクト作成


Now, let's create a "project" to make a game for Zune. A "project" is a structure that collectively manages resources such as programs and images. If you're making a game, you always start by creating this project.

Make sure that Zune is set up and connected to your computer first.

Visual development environment
Let's launch Studio 2008. Creating a project or creating a program is basically done with this software.

From the Start menu, select Microsoft XNA Game Studio 3.0 -
Try to find "Visual Studio 2008" and launch it.

XNA Game Studio 3.0

A screen like the one on the right will appear. This is "Visual Studio".

Visual Studio

Now, let's create a project. From the toolbar at the top right of the screen, press the "New Project" button.

By the way, you can also do the same operation from "File" in the menu.


Then, a dialog like the one on the right will open.


On the left side of the dialog, select Project Types > XNA Game Studio
Select 3.0.


First of all, select "Template". It's possible to start with a blank project with no files at all, but you can use a pre-made template to generate basic programs, files, etc., so you can start developing your goals right away.

In this case, we will create a "game for Zune", so select "Zune Game (3.0)".


Next, there is an item to enter the "project name" at the bottom of the dialog, but it is better to enter the name of the game you are creating. However, it is preferable to enter alphanumeric characters as much as possible.

This time, we will proceed with "ZuneGame1" entered from the beginning.

Next, specify the location (directory) where you want to create the project. You can enter the location directly, or you can specify the directory from the "Browse" button on the right. If possible, it is better to create a path consisting only of alphanumeric characters.

At the bottom, it's the "solution", but it doesn't matter if you use it or not. Use it when your project grows and you need to manage multiple projects. (However, the solution itself will always be created.)

When you are done, press the "OK" button.


After a while, the project will be created and you will see the program on the screen. This will be the base template.


If you look at the Solution Explorer on the right side of the screen (which may be in a different location depending on your Visual Studio environment), you'll see that several files have been created in the project.


This time, I would like to run the program without making any changes to the program. Make sure your Zune is connected to your computer, then press the Start Debugging button in the onscreen toolbar. The build will start, and when it's complete, the program will be deployed to Zune and the game will run.

By the way, "build" refers to a series of tasks that are performed at once, such as checking whether the program is correct, creating resources, and creating an executable file that can be launched by the program.

Also, since the Zune project has an operation called "Place" and the game is not running on Windows, you need to send the data you create to Zune. That's what "placement" does.


When you run it, Visual Studio changes to the debug layout as shown on the right.

実行中の Visual Studio

If you look at the Zune screen, you'll see that the files are in place.

Zune でプログラムを配置中

After waiting for a while, a solid blue screen will be displayed as shown on the right.

This way, all you have to do is start debugging in Windows, and your game will be deployed to Zune, and you can easily run your game on Zune.

Now, press the "BACK" button on your Zune. The default program is set to quit the game.

Zune で実行中のゲーム画面

If you want to force the game to quit on the Visual Studio side, press the "Stop Debugging" button in the toolbar.


When the game ends, Zune will look like the one on the right, waiting for the program to be deployed. You can also redeploy and run the game as it is. You can also press the control pad to exit XNA Game Studio Connect and restart Zune.


By the way, if you look at the Game list on Zune, you'll see that the game you just placed is displayed.


The method of closing the created project and the method of starting production from the continuation are the same as for Windows projects, so please refer to that.