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Learn how to use the Windows Forms Color Designer.

Install and uninstall


Since the downloaded file is in a compressed state of the actual software, double click to open the file and Please copy it to the appropriate folder.


Delete all the files that you have deployed. However, since the data created at that time will be deleted, the necessary files will be saved before deletion separately please.

Start and end applications


Select "WinFormColorDesigner.exe" and double-click or launch with enter. The Windows Form Color Designer window appears.

Quit the application

You can exit in one of the following ways:

  • Click the "Close" button at the top right of the window
  • Select "Home" ⇒ "End" from the menu.

Edit color

Select colors

Select the color you changed from the "Color List". If you want to add a new color, click the "Add" button.

Change color

Information for the selected color is displayed in "Color Input". Here you can use the "distinguished name" and "display name" that can be used for the name of the export, the "preview target" that allows you to set which control to reflect the preview, and the color setting.

If a preview target is set, the color is reflected in the preview as soon as you change the color.

Color set

The list of colors you are editing is summarized as a single "color set". You can add and change color sets.

View a list of color sets

Click "Color Set" at the bottom of the menu. Then, the list panel of the color set is displayed.

Change color set

The color set currently being edited has an "○" attached to "Editing". To change the color set you want to edit, double-click the target color set from the list, or select a color set in the list and then click the Import button.

You can create a new color set with the "Add" or "Duplicate" buttons.


You can export the list of edited colors to xml, CSV, or other formats. Because the output format is defined by the template, you are free to create the format.

View export dialog

Select Export from Home in the menu.


Select the format you want to output from the list on the left, and then click the export button. A file save dialog is displayed, so save it in any folder or file name.

Change export format

When you select a template from the list on the left, parameters such as format are displayed on the right. The content you enter here applies to the exported file.

You can add the template itself to the left, such as "Add" or "Duplicate".


You can define the basic format of the exported text file. Tags are available for the format, and you can output edited color information by the tag you use.

Since the format is in plain text, you can define it in any format you like, such as XML, JSON, CSV, or program code.

The following tags are available:

$ItemStart$ This is the output range start tag of the item for defining one color as an item and registering the item repeatedly. The pair's end tag, $ItemEnd$, must be a set.
$ItemEnd$ End tag of the output range of the item.
$ItemIndex$ The number of items starting with 0 is printed. This depends on the color order of the color list on the edit screen.
$ColorIdentityName$ A color identification name is printed.
$ColorDisplayName$ The display name of the color is printed.
$ColorValue$ The color value is output. The output format depends on the "color output format".

Put line breaks on an item-by-item basis

Check if you want to put a new line for each color. This is required, for example, if you want to use CSV format. Anything that doesn't make sense for line breaks, such as XML or JSON, is unnecessary unless you consider it easy to see.

Color output format

This format determines the order, decimal, hex hex order, etc. of ARGB when outputting color values. You can specify the following formats:

Format description Format exampleexample
A16, R16, G16, B16 Prints each color element in uppercase hex hex. A16, R16, G16, B16 FF, FF, FF, FF
a16, r16, g16, b16 Prints each color element in lowercase hex decimals. a16, r16, g16, b16 ff, ff, ff, ff
A10, R10, G10, B10 Outputs each color element in decimal numbers. A10, R10, G10, B10 255, 255, 255, 255
A8, R8, G8, B8 Outputs each color element in an hexacial number. A8, R8, G8, B8 377, 377, 377, 377
A2, R2, G2, B2 Prints each color element in decimal numbers. A2, R2, G2, B2 11111111, 00000000, 11111111, 00000000
HexARGB Argb is a single number and outputs in uppercase hex decimal numbers. HexARGB FFFFFFFF
hexARGB Argb is a single number and outputs as a lowercase hex order. hexARGB ffffffff
DecARGB Argb is a single number and outputs as decimal. DecARGB 4294967295
OctARGB Argb is a single number and outputs as an octal number. HexARGB 37777777777
BinARGB Argb is a single number and outputs as a decimal number. BinARGB 1.11111111111111E+31

Output extension

This is the extension of the output file when the export was performed.


About saving

Windows Form Color Designer saves automatically, so leave it.

Check for the latest version

Select "Help" and "Check latest version" from the menu.

Also, if you want to check if you have the latest version when you launch Windows Forms Color Designer, open the Options panel and check Check Check for the latest version.

Make the background a gradient

Background colors other than standard controls (ToolStrip) such as forms, buttons, and labels are displayed in the preview by default, but can also be gradients.

To make it a gradient, open the Options panel and set "Preview Standard Control Background Color" to "Gradient".

To display the gradient, you need two starting colors, the end color, so add two colors in the color list panel.

Set the gradient start color and gradient end color of the target control in the preview target of each color. If you do not specify the start and end colors in the set, they will not be reflected in the preview.

When the color is set, it will be reflected in the preview.