Automatically set the height of a line for wrap text

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Describes how to automatically adjust the height of a row of text in a cell when it is displayed in a wrap view.


Confirmed version of the operation

Supported Excel version

  • 2007

Make sure Excel version

  • 2007



If you type more text in a cell than the column width, the text is displayed beyond the next cell by default.


If you want the text to wrap without going beyond the next cell, click the Wrap to Whole button from the Home tab to activate it.


The text will then wrap and appear as shown on the right. The height of the line is also automatically set by the number of lines of text that have been folded.


By the way, the folding setting is also possible in another way.

Right-click the cell and choose Format Cells from the menu.

配置 - 折り返して全体を表示する

Select the Alignment tab from the dialog that appears and check Wrap to Show Whole.


When you wrap text, the height of the line is automatically adjusted so that you can see the entire text, but you can change the height of the line by dragging the line boundary, as shown on the right.


However, once you change the height of a line, changing the text does not automatically adjust the height of the line.

ホーム 行の高さの自動調整

If you want to automatically adjust the height of a row, first select the row. Then select the Home tab, click Format, then choose Auto-Adjust Row Height from the menu.


Then, the height of the line is automatically adjusted according to the number of lines that the text wraps.