To play in full screen

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Switch between playing in window mode or full screen mode is done in the game. This switching operation is only possible when the game is running on Windows. Only full-screen mode is available on Windows 10 Mobile, Xbox One, and Android.

How to switch to full-screen mode

Switching to full-screen mode is done in the "Options screen". There are several ways to open the options screen.

  • Start Menu (From → Options)
  • Field menu (Field menu → Options)
  • Pause screen (Pause → options)

When you open the options screen, you can switch by selecting "Full Screen". If "OFF" is displayed, it is in window mode. If "ON" is displayed, it is in full screen mode.

When can I switch between full-screen modes?

The timing to be switched will be a scene excluding "during the battle and some scenes". You can usually switch between the Start menu or the Field menu.

To start in full-screen mode when you start the game

If you were in full screen mode the last time you exited the game, the next time you start it, it will start in full screen mode.

Things to keep in mind when playing in full-screen mode

If you want to play in full screen mode, the game screen must be active. If another screen pops up in Windows, or if you select another window with the mouse, the game screen is forced to be hidden. To make it appear again, select the running game from the task bar and display it again.