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Uninstall instructions (Windows) when installed from the Microsoft Store

* Please note that if you uninstall the UWP version of the game, the saved save data will be deleted. (Save data shared with other devices remains.) )

Look for "Little Saber" from the Start menu, right-click and select "Uninstall".

Uninstall instructions for installing from the Microsoft Store (Windows 10 Mobile)

* Please note that if you uninstall the UWP version of the game, the saved save data will be deleted. (Save data shared with other devices remains.) )

Select "All Apps" from home.

Look for "Little Saber" and press and hold. The menu will be displayed, so select "Delete".

Uninstall instructions when installed from a CD or installer

* The following procedure is an example, and there are other ways to uninstall it.

From the Start menu, open Control Panel.

Select Uninstall Program.

Select Little Saber and uninstall.

After that, proceed as instructed on the screen and perform the uninstall.

Uninstall instructions if you are running the game directly from an exe file, such as a ZIP file

Please delete the file as it is.

For Steam

Right-click on little saber in the library from the Steam client to uninstall it.