How to use the Create Board Excel tool

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Learn how to use the Create Board Excel tool.

Get the Create Board Excel tool

Download the file from the link below and extract the file from the ZIP file.

Create board layout parameters

To define board layouts and parameters, you must edit them in Excel .xlsx save them in a file. You can create it from the start, or edit it based on the files you distribute in the sample.

It can also be any file name, but it can also be the file name of the board container definition file that will eventually be printed.

Board container parameters

To create parameters for a board container, create a Container sheet. This sheet must be created.

Create a header for column 1 "Key" and column 2 "Value" on the first row.

Enter a distinguished name that identifies the value in the Key column, and then enter each value in the Value column accordingly. The parameters that can be specified are:

  • IdentityName
  • Author
  • Version
  • IsExcludeNextBoard
  • Order
  • KeyReleaseTimingWhenActiveWindowChange

For more information on each parameter, see the link in the file definition below.

Board creation See the following for your own settings and supplements for excel tools.

Key Remarks
IdentityName This parameter is required for input.
GeneratorIdentityName It is set automatically.
GeneratorVersion It is set automatically.

Board parameters

To create board parameters, create a Boards sheet. This sheet must be created.

On the first line, enter the distinguished name of the board parameters.

After the second line, enter the number of minutes of the board displayed at a time for each line, according to the parameters of the header.

The parameters that can be specified in a column are:

  • IdentityName
  • Position
  • StartPositionType
  • PositionOffset
  • NextBoardPositionType
  • CenterPosition
  • FontSizeScale
  • BoardScale
  • ImageName
  • ImageStretchMode

For more information on each parameter, see the link in the file definition below.

Board creation See the following for your own settings and supplements for excel tools.

Key Remarks

You usually enter the size of the board here, but if it is not, it is automatically determined according to the key layout. However, since the display position is (0, 0), the display position must be specified by the parameters "StartPostionType" and "PositionOffset".

Each parameter enters "X, Y, Width, Height" as comma breaks.

PositionOffset Each parameter enters "X, Y" as a comma separator.
CenterPosition Each parameter enters "X, Y" as a comma separator.

Key layout

To create a key layout, create _Layout {X} sheet. The "{X}" part must specify the index of the board starting with 1. If you need to display more than one board, you will need this sheet by the number of boards.

Insert a shape into this sheet to create a key layout. You can place any shape, but at this time you can only create rectangular keys, so it's a good thing to use rectangular shapes.

After you place the shape, type the distinguished name of the key in the shape. This distinguished name works with the key parameters. Note that it is not the text that appears in the key.

If you enter an distinguished name that does not exist in the key parameter, the entered text is set to the key parameters "KeyType" and "DisplayText". Please note that if "KeyType" that does not exist is specified, the application cannot load it.

When placing shapes, the size of the cells behind them does not affect the output.

Key parameters

To create key parameters, create _KeyDefine {X} sheet. The "{X}" part must specify the index of the board starting with 1. This sheet is _Layout {X}. If you need to display more than one board, you will need this sheet by the number of boards.

On the first line, enter the distinguished name of the key parameter.

After the second line, enter the number of keys displayed on the target board according to the parameters of the header for each line.

The parameters that can be specified in a column are:

  • Name
  • KeyType
  • Position
  • DisplayText
  • FontSize
  • ImageName
  • ImageStretchMode
  • IsToggle
  • IsOneClickToggleRelease
  • Options
  • Processes

For more information on each parameter, see the link in the file definition below.

Board creation See the following for your own settings and supplements for excel tools.

Key Remarks
Name The name you enter here and the name you entered in the shape on the layout sheet work together, and the key parameters you enter are applied to the key at the target location. The output to the board container definition file is based on the layout sheet, so it doesn't matter if the name you enter here is not in the layout sheet.
KeyType If not, the value entered in the Name column is used.
Position If you enter the position and size here, it will be used preferentially, but I think that you will usually use the position and size set in the key layout sheet, so basically it can be unintappred. Enter X, Y, Width, Height separated by comma. The unit is a logical pixel.
DisplayText Line breaks in the cell also line breaks the actual display text.
Options If you want to use it, please enter it according to the format.
Processes If you want to use it, please enter it according to the format.

Board decoration

You can set the decorations for the look of the board in detail.

On the first line, enter the distinguished name of the parameters of the board decoration. From the second line onwards, we will set the decoration of the board for each target board and condition.

You can specify which boards to apply to by entering the IdentityName specified in the Boards sheet in TargetBoardName.

You can also specify when the IME is applied to ImeStatuses, and PressKeys, which keys are applied during press.

The parameters that can be specified in a column are:

  • IdentityName
  • TargetBoardName
  • ImeStatuses
  • PressKeys
  • BackgroundColor
  • ImageName
  • ImageStretchMode
  • BorderColor
  • BorderThickness

For more information on each parameter, see the link in the file definition below.

Board creation See the following for your own settings and supplements for excel tools.

Key Remarks
TargetBoardName Specifies which board to apply to. The name you specify will be "IdentityName" specified in the "Boards" sheet.
ImeStatuses Specifies when the decoration is applied when the IME is currently in. See boardDecorateInfo's definition for which values can be specified. If you want to enter more than one, enter it as a comma separate. (e.g. KanaInputAlphaHalf, KanaInputKatakanaHalf)
PressKeys Specifies which key applies decorations while pressing. For example, If leftShift is specified, the decoration is applied when the Shift key is pressed. If you want to apply it by pressing multiple keys at the same time, specify multiple commas separated.
BackgroundColor The color is between 0 and 255. The value is entered as "A, R, G, B" with comma breaks.
BorderColor The color is between 0 and 255. The value is entered as "A, R, G, B" with comma breaks.

Key decoration

You can set the decoration of the look of the key in detail.

On the first line, enter the distinguished name of the key decoration parameter. From the second line onwards, we will set the decoration of the key for each key and condition to be targeted.

You can specify which key to apply to by entering the "Name" specified in the "{X}_KeyDefine" sheet in "TargetBoardName".

You can also specify when the IME is applied to ImeStatuses, which keys press keys are applied while pressed, and IsPressed, which conditions the IME is pressing.

The parameters that can be specified in a column are:

  • IdentityName
  • TargetKeyName
  • ImeStatuses
  • PressKeys
  • IsPressed
  • DisplayText
  • FontName
  • FontSize
  • TextBold
  • TextColor
  • BackgroundColor
  • ImageName
  • ImageStretchMode
  • BorderColor
  • BorderThickness

For more information on each parameter, see the link in the file definition below.

Board creation See the following for your own settings and supplements for excel tools.

Key Remarks
TargetKeyName Specifies which keys to apply to. The name you specify is the name _KeyDefine specified in the {X} "100% " sheet.
ImeStatuses Specifies when the decoration is applied when the IME is currently in. See keyDecorateInfo's definition for which values can be specified. If you want to enter more than one, enter it as a comma separate. (e.g. KanaInputAlphaHalf, KanaInputKatakanaHalf)
PressKeys Specifies which of the other keys applies decorations while pressing. For example, If leftShift is specified, the decoration is applied when the Shift key is pressed. If you want to apply it by pressing multiple keys at the same time, specify multiple commas separated. You can also include your own keys in the condition.
IsPressed True. Apply decorations when your own keys are being pressed. False or unspecifyed, it is a normal key decoration.
TextColor The color is between 0 and 255. The value is entered as "A, R, G, B" with comma breaks.
BackgroundColor The color is between 0 and 255. The value is entered as "A, R, G, B" with comma breaks.
BorderColor The color is between 0 and 255. The value is entered as "A, R, G, B" with comma breaks.

Create a board container definition file


Move the created board definition file (.xlsx) to the folder where the "BoardCreator_x_xx.xlsm" file is. (x_xx is the version)

After moving the file, open BoardCreator.xlsm. By clicking the "Generate board container definition file" button displayed on the sheet, the board container definition file is generated based on the .xlsx file placed in the folder.

When the process is successful, a "board container definition file" with the ".setting" extension is created in the same folder.

About security

BoardCreator.xlsm is an Excel file that contains macros, so when you open it, you may see a warning as shown. (It may be a different message than shown.)

If you see a warning, allow the macro to run. Otherwise, you will not be available to create a "board container definition file".

Deploying board container definition files

Place the created board container definition file (.setting) in the "Boards\Default\.exe folder where the "TiitanTouchBoard" is located. After placement, it will be loaded when you start the touchboard.

If you specify the wrong parameters, you may get an error during execution, so please review and re-create the settings of the target board.

About the included sample board

The Create Board Excel tool includes sample boards that are small for each function and source data of the board package you are distributing to make it easier for first-time users to create boards. The included samples are:

File name Summary image
010_Normal_1_00_Ja A keyboard with a normal layout that is initially included.
020_Thumb_1_00_Ja Keyboard with thumb layout included in the initial state.
030_MousePad_1_00_Ja Mouse pad included in the initial state.
031_MousePadOneHandLeft_1_00_Ja Left hand mouse pad included in the board package.
032_MousePadOneHandRight_1_00_Ja Mouse pad for right hand included in board package.
033_MousePadExtensionKey_1_00_Ja Extended mouse pad included in the board package.
040_TenKeyLeft_1_00_Ja It is a umkey for the left hand included in the board package.
041_TenKeyRight_1_00_Ja Thyn keys for the right hand included in the board package.
042_TenKeyLeftNumLock_1_00_Ja Umkey for left hand NumLock included in the board package.
043_TenKeyRightNumLock_1_00_Ja Umkey for right hand NumLock included in the board package.
050_GameController_1_00_Ja It is a game controller included in the board package.
060_IllustCspLeft_1_00_Ja Clip Studio Paint is a shortcut board for the left hand included in the board package.
061_IllustCspRight_1_00_Ja Clip Studio Paint is a shortcut board for the right hand included in the board package.
062_IllustPsLeft_1_00_Ja Shortcut board for Photshop left hand included in the board package.
063_IllustPsRight_1_00_Ja Photshop right hand shortcut board included in the board package.
501_MinimumBoardSample_1_00_Ja A board sample created with the smallest possible configuration.
502_FourBoardsSample_1_00_Ja This is a board sample with four boards in four corners.
503_BoardPositionSample_1_00_Ja A board sample with the board specified at any position and any size.
504_BoardPositionOffsetSample_1_00_Ja This is a board sample placed with the board shifted from the initial position.
505_BoardScaleSample_1_00_Ja A board sample with enlarged board and key text.
506_BoardImageSample_1_00_Ja A board sample with an image on the background of the board.
511_ImeOnOffDecorateSample_1_00_Ja This is a sample that switches the decoration of the board according to IME ON and OFF.
512_ImeDetailDecorateSample_1_00_Ja This is a sample that switches the decoration of the board by detailed specifications such as kana input of IME and roman character input. Switching colors for each IME will help you understand the current state of the IME.
513_PressKeyBoardDecorateSample_1_00_Ja This is a sample that switches the decoration of the board depending on the pressing state of the target key. Press Shift or Ctrl to switch the background of the board.
514_TransparentColorBoardSample_1_00_Ja A sample that lets the background of the board pass through. This also allows you to create a board with only keys floating.
515_TransparentImageBoardSample_1_00_Ja A sample of a board in any shape using a transparent image on the background of the board. You can also create a free-form board by making the key background a cut-out image accordingly.
521_KeySimpleDecorateSample_1_00_Ja A sample of a key with a standard decoration applied. You can specify "key text", "font size", "background color", etc.
522_KeyToggleSample_1_00_Ja This is a sample to check the toggle operation of various keys.
523_CustomProcessKeySample_1_00_Ja This is a sample that customizes the key press process and performs various key inputs. You can perform shortcuts such as "undo", "redo", "select all", "open explorer", and you can enter multiple characters such as facial characters at once.
524_SpecialKeySample_1_00_Ja A sample with minor keys that are defined as keys but rarely used. Since we have only collected what is defined, there may be some things that do not happen even if you press the key. In addition, some behavior varies depending on the OS and configuration settings.
531_KeyExtendDecorateSample_1_00_Ja Sample with detailed decoration applied to the key. Various specifications such as "display text", "font", "text color", "background color", "background image", "border" etc. are possible.
532_KeyImeDecorateSample_1_00_Ja A sample in which the key decoration changes depending on the state of the IME. The character entered under the key is made known by the state of the IME.
533_KeyPressDecorateSample_1_00_Ja A sample in which the key decoration changes depending on the pressed state of the specified key. Press Shift or Ctrl to change the text above, etc.