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Add (Add Animation)

Add a new animation. Animation data related to each bone and material is automatically created.

Delete (Delete Animation)

Deletes the selected animation.

Reproduction (animation duplication)

Duplicates the selected animation.

Settings (Animation Settings)

Displays the Animation Settings dialog.

Bone (Bone animation mode)

Change to bone animation mode to operate bones.

UV (UV animation mode) (shared version only)

Change to UV animation mode to move texture UVs.

Move (Move)

It is used to move bones and UVs.

Rotate (rotate)

It is used to rotate bones and UVs.

Zoom in (scale)

Used to scale bones and UVs.

World (World)

When working with bones, you operate in the world coordinate system.

Local (Local)

Operates in the local coordinate system of the selected bone when working with bones.

Parentto (Parentto)

Operates in the local coordinate system of the parent of the selected bone when working with bones.

Visible (display switching)

Show/hide bones and textures. If it is hidden, it cannot be animated.

Input (animation input) (shared version only)

You can import additional animation data from an external file. Files that can be read are described as . elp".