Version up history

Page creation date :

Ver 1.25 (August 2, 2015)

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed an issue where the docking panel would be narrower each time it was started

Ver 1.24 (July 5, 2015)

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed an issue where the model would not display lines in animation mode

Ver 1.23 (March 7, 2015)

Fixed bugs

  • Error saving as an X file when there is an animation referring to a bone that does not exist
  • Startup errors in some environments

Ver 1.22 (August 5, 2012)

Fixed bugs

  • MQO file saved in Methassequoia Ver 3 cannot be loaded


  • Changed the framework used to Microsoft .NET Framework 4

Ver 1.20 (February 20, 2011)

Additional features

  • Methassequoia file output (share only)
    • If you output it while posing with animation editing, etc., you can output it in the shape as it is in that posture
    • Methassequoia file number output
  • Kota sequoia file loading related
    • Support for vertex color loading of methassequoia files
    • When the vertex color of the methassequoia file is read, the vertex color output to the X file is supported.
    • Methassequoia file loading for flat shading
    • Support for loading mirroring models for methassequoia files
  • Rendering function (share only. Currently, only "AVI file output", "consecutive image output", and "view resize" can be performed. )
  • AVI file output (share only. Outputs the selected animation to an AVI file. Choose a codec then, but be aware that depending on the type, you may not be able to save it well. (There is also uncompressed), and depending on the environment of the PC, it may not be possible to output at a large screen size. )
    • 32-bit AVI file output support
    • Split file output support
    • Number of loops can be specified
  • Consecutive image output (share only. Outputs the selected animation as an image file with a specified number of frames. Depending on the pc environment, you may not be able to output it with a large screen size. )
    • 7 types of output image formats
    • Continuous image output transmits background (PNG file fixed)
  • X-file related
    • When reading a model from an X-file, each axis reversal, axis change, and face inversion can be set.
    • Added a check for vertex duplicate information in the X file (share only)
    • Support for output of Lightwave-enabled X files (new coordinate format output)
    • Mesh storage support for specified frames when outputting X files
  • Icon size and text display switching for each toolbar (Until now, we have set the settings in bulk in the environment settings, but from Ver 1.2 you can set it individually. Right-clicking on the toolbar will display a menu where you can change it. )
  • Toolbar buttons can now be re-positioned with images and text
  • Added "Rotate Text 90 Degrees" to the right-click menu of the toolbar
  • Light settings (Added light settings to the Environment panel. You can change the direction of the light and the color of the light (D, A, S). The direction of the light changes by dragging the mouse over the control. )
  • Get and set camera status from environment panel
  • Center bone flag (New symmetric and center bone settings are added. In the default, it is a symmetric bone, but this is the same function as before. When set to center bone, posture reversal is possible when editing animations. However, this feature is not yet complete, only X inversion is supported, and depending on the posture, it does not flip well. Try not to use it if it doesn't work. )
  • The center flag has been set on the bone so that it can be used, such as posture inversion.
  • Add "Bone Advanced" to the menu when right-clicking a node in a bone configuration
  • IK transmission restrictions (until now, IK has been concatenated to floating bones, but can now be stopped by any bone. Select a bone during animation, and when you do "IK Lock" in the right-click menu, a lock mark will be displayed. )
  • Bone position display when editing animation (position and rotation are now displayed in the vector panel (when absolutely specified). It is also possible to operate with vector panels. However, the parameters you work with are the local parameters of the bones. )
  • Flagging whether text should be fully selected by automatic text selection with the mouse
  • Automatic duplicate of weight boxes to mirrored bones (If you check the box creation panel when creating a box, a box with symmetrical bones is automatically created. )
  • Click "Ctrl" and click on the object list to select all vertices
  • Project settings allow you to save model data to a project file and change whether loading is faster
  • Load BVH files to generate bones, generate animation data (share only, currently unfinished)
  • Add user-defined string settings to material (share only)
  • Add material user-defined string to ELEM file (share only)

Functional improvements

  • Positional memory of the main window
  • Use a folding box for environment panels
  • Change docking panel specifications
  • When opening a dialog to load a model file, all model files that can be loaded are displayed.
  • 50% faster calculations with Lagrange interpolation
  • Faster model loading from methassequoia files
  • The loading limit for the number of vertices and polygons is no longer available.
  • Saved model data in a project file to make loading and conversion smoother
  • Vertex weight conversion is not performed when moving to animation editing when editing in part editing or outputting to another model file. (However, be sure to convert the project file immediately after loading it.)
  • The size of the joint does not change depending on the distance of the camera.
  • Immediately substituted bone or box values when pressing the absolute button on the vector panel.
  • The absolute position of the box can be obtained in the vector panel.
  • Multiple box items can now be selected
  • When you create a box with the mesh locked or hidden, the box is not automatically applied to the mesh.
  • Individual bone settings can now be set in a modeless dialog
  • The detailed replication dialog is now displayed modelessly.
  • Automatically set symmetric bones for bone replication (for symmetric duplicates)
  • Sort animation items by dragging and dropping them


  • Changed from left hand coordinate system to right hand coordinate system
  • In the share version, models up to 200 polygons can be saved as X files even if they are not licensed.
  • One tool strip
  • If you are loading a model from a methassequoia file, the material information when outputting to the methasequoia file now matches the original material.
  • Changed Help to a Web reference.
  • Object and vector panels are hidden by default

Ver 1.151 (February 9, 2008)

Fixed bugs

  • Windows Vista does not apply lights to models

Ver 1.15 (April 9, 2007)

Fixed bugs

  • A bug that forces the model vertex weight setting during animation transition when connecting floating bones continuously

Ver 1.14 (February 25, 2007)

Fixed bugs

  • A bug that kills the Create Help wizard in Windows Vista when trying to start it from the Elfrana side
  • Fixed an issue that caused toolbars to line up unintentionally in Windows Vista
  • A bug that does not apply translucent material textures to meshes
  • Metasequoia transparency map not applied bug


  • Prevented the window from maximizing on the first launch of El Freina
  • Object panel and vector panel are no displayed on the first launch of Elfrana.
  • When opening a dialog to load a model file, all model files that can be loaded are displayed.

Ver 1.13 (December 17, 2006)

Fixed bugs

  • Bug that kills when trying to duplicate animation data associated with floating bones

Ver 1.12 (November 15, 2006)

Fixed bugs

  • When saving an X file, if the growth rate is other than 1.0, the model will fail.
  • When saving an ELEM file, if the growth rate is other than 1.0, the model will fail.

Ver 1.11 (October 15, 2006)

Fixed bugs

  • When the docking window is floating, it will be terminated when the toolbar tooltip is displayed.
  • Floating panels remain on desktop when minimized
  • Animation input associations give floating bones names

Ver 1.10 (July 1, 2006)

Additional features

  • UV animation (share version only)
  • Detailed replication of vertex weight boxes and data boxes
  • View data boxes by type
  • Generate vertex weight boxes and data boxes from methassequoia files (share version only)
  • Bone symmetric bone settings
  • Added "Posture Inversion" and "Posture Symmetry" related menus when editing animations and initial postures for symmetric bones
  • Add material list
  • Add alphanumeric names to objects
  • Unassocied objects, materials × mark icons
  • Added a check to your environment so that it does not exceed 90 degrees when rotating the view up or down
  • Add environment panel, view angle, show or hide grid
  • Added "Bulk Loading of Various Data" to the file of the menu (share version only)
  • Show number of active bones (normal bones)
  • Added "Vertex Weight Priority List" to the project in the menu
  • Save the current pose to the ELEM file as the prototype of the model
  • Allow you to specify the color of points and lines for each object (you can switch between the entire color)
  • Drag to reorder items in the list of vertex weights, data boxes, objects, materials, and initial postures
  • Hold Shift and click the box to select the associated item
  • When creating a box, select the vertices of the model to create a box for that range
  • Automatic vertex weight settings by bones
  • In animation input, bone and animation association dialog (share version only)

Functional improvements

  • Arrows, etc. that overlap the center of the manipulator are no more visible.
  • When editing bone position, after moving the bone, the position is displayed in the vector panel (absolutely only)
  • If a child animation item is not associated with a bone or material× a display icon
  • Show selected bones in vertex weight box in view


  • Change the contents of the bone configuration settings dialog
  • Prevented the application of reflected light to faces using textures in the X-file model
  • Hide floating bones during animation
  • Changed bone → to vertex weight

Sample Help

  • Rewrite the Create Help Wizard for Ver 1.1
  • Rewrite instructions for Ver 1.1

Ver 1.04 (June 11, 2006)

Fixed bugs

  • Calculation of the fourth blend value when saving the X file was wrong
  • A bug that causes X-files to fail to load when saved in a non-text format

Functional improvements

  • Bootable on Windows 98 and above (not supported before Windows 2000)


  • Change the output format of the .elem file

Bugs that have been confirmed

  • Bug that kills when trying to duplicate animation data associated with floating bones

Ver 1.03 (May 18, 2006)

Fixed bugs

  • Bug that kills when saving X files
  • Bug that does not apply the initial posture well when saving X files


  • Change (save) the data specification of the vertex blend index of the .elem file

Ver 1.02 (May 4, 2006)

Fixed bugs

  • Added some data when saving .elem file
  • Changed the texture of the X file to the file name only when it was saved in the absolute path
  • A bug that is saved with a strange file name when using a Japanese file name for a texture when saving an X file
  • Error saving animation X file without bones

Functional improvements

  • Apply 50% natural light when loading X-files


  • Prevented the application of reflected light to faces using textures in the X-file model
  • Add data to .elem file

Ver 1.01 (April 17, 2006)

Fixed bugs

  • Bug that did not save the name of the material in the .elem file
  • A bug that reverses bones when the joint extends straight in the Z direction from its parent position (also affects saving external files)
  • A bug that had a full texture file path when saved to a .elem file
  • A bug in a model file loaded from a .elem file that could not save the texture's file name when saving the model file to another file
  • A bug that causes behavior to be strange when the property window is displayed or hidden in the menu
  • A bug that × not unchecked when the docking window is closed with a button that opens the button
  • A bug that cannot save the model when returning to part editing during animation playback (it will be fixed if you move to animation editing again)

Functional improvements

  • The speed of the rendering interval is not slowed down by the pc usage environment.


  • Change the save data for animation-related data in the .elem file

Ver 1.00 (April 1, 2006)

El Freina Ver 1.00 Released