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Delete (vertex weight box deleted)

Deletes the selected vertex weight box in the list.

Replication (Vertex Weight Box Duplication)

Duplicates the vertex weight box selected in the list with the pattern set in Advanced Duplicate. To duplicate details, select it from the menu of the ▼ button on the right.

Setting (Vertex Weight Setting)

Displays the vertex weight setting dialog.

Create (Vertex Weight Box Creation Mode)

Switch to "Create Mode" to create a vertex weight box.

Edit (Vertex Weight Box Edit Mode)

Switch to "edit mode" to transform and move the vertex weight box.

Move (move box)

Switches to the mode of moving the selected vertex or face in the vertex weight box.

Rotate (box rotation)

Switches to the mode of rotating the selected vertex or face in the vertex weight box.

Zoom in (box scale)

Switches to magnification mode for the selected vertex or face in the vertex weight box.

Input (vertex weight box input) (shared version only)

You can import additional bone weight boxes from external files. Files that can be read are described as . elp" and ". mqo".