Settings Dialog

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If you select Edit Databox Settings, you can configure detailed settings of the Databox.



Databox List

On the left is the databox list. Select the databox you want to edit from here. You can also select a display type from the combo box above to display only certain types.


Box Name

The name of the box. You can give it any name. It is better to give it a descriptive name. However, they cannot have the same name.


When setting the vertex data for the model, it will be applied from the priority box. Used to determine which box is preferred, such as when boxes overlap. When the values are the same, it is not constant which one applies.

This value is also related to the priority of Vertex Weight and Objectbone Designation.

Box color

The color of the box to display.


The opacity of the box. In the range 0~255, 0 is fully transparent and 255 is fully opaque.

Box display type

If you have created a display type in advance, select it here to enable display for each type when switching displays.

Box Type

Currently only "blend".

Blend Box


Bone Name 1~4

Select the bones you want to connect in the blend. In the example above, the weight is set from the body to the left arm. Up to 4 bones can be blended.

Concatenated blending method

Sets how vertices are blended for the box. There are the following types:

constancy Sets the weight value of the vertices in the box to a uniform value relative to the parent bone. The value will be the value of the maximum blend value on the right. The weight value of the child part is 1.0
minus this value, or the blend value below if it is valid.
-Blend towards X direction The parent bone is multiplied by a decreasing weight linearly from -X to +X in the world coordinate system. (In this case, -X
Vertices at the last minute are 1.0, and vertices at +X are 0.0. )

The child part will be the remaining weight value, or the next blend will follow its selection method, if one exists.
+Blend towards X direction Similar to above
-Blend towards Y direction Similar to above
Blend towards +Y direction Similar to above
-Blend towards Z direction Similar to above
Blend towards +Z direction Similar to above

As an example, suppose you placed a box as shown below.


If you set the box settings as shown in the dialog above, the vertex weight value will be applied as shown below.


To see what kind of change it actually will be, let's set it as shown below. First, put a bone in the model shown below.


Set the databox as shown below.


If you actually move it with the animation, it will look like below.


Maximum blend value

Sets the maximum blend value for the parent bone. For example, in the example above, if you set the maximum blend value to 0.5, it will bend as shown below.

最大ブレンド値 0.5

The weight value of the parent becomes weaker, and conversely, the weight value of the child becomes stronger, so the top is generally pulled by the child.