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* Before using the software, make sure that the specifications and components of your PC meet the requirements of the operating environment.

Rastail body

* The operating environment will change from Ver 4.0. Here are a number of things to note: Please refer to the operating environment.

You can download the software from each link above. See this page for installation and uninstallation. Help files are not included in the above files. Please download it separately from the Rastail instructions.

If you are already using Ver 2.0, 3.0, overwrite all Ver 4.0 files with Ver 2.0, 3.0 files. For differential files, overwrite all previous versions of the file.

Questions such as bug reports, requests, and how to use them are accepted on the bulletin board or by e-mail.

For version upgrades, it will be a file download format on this website.

Previous versions of Rastil

An earlier version of Rastail. Please note that it is not backward compatible with data between Ver 4.0, 3.0 and 2.0.

Rastail Instructions

*Ver 4.0 instructions are not distributed. Get help online. Ver 4.0 has almost the same functionality as Ver 3.0, so if you want to use it locally, you can use the ver 3.0 instructions.

The instructions for Rastil are available in the online help section of our website, but if you would like to keep them on your computer, please download them from the link above. (In some cases, help fixes may occur, so we recommend using online help.)

After unziping the file, place the "Help" folder and the "instructions.html file in the same folder as "Rastail .exe". If it already exists, overwrite it.



By applying a theme file, you can set the form color of the rastil.

Windows XP (青) テーマWindows XP (オリーブ グリーン) テーマ

To apply the theme, download the file from the link below and remove "ProfessionalColorTable.xml from the compressed file. If you place this file in the Image folder in the Rastil folder and start Rastil, the theme will be applied.



You can change the splash image that appears when the rastil starts.

ラステイル Ver 2.0 スプラッシュラステイル Ver 3.0 スプラッシュ

To apply the splash, download the file from the link below and remove "Splash.png" and "Splash.lic" from the compressed file. Overwrite this file with the file in the Image folder in the Rastil folder. Then launch Rastil and splash will be applied.


Icon Pack for Rastil

You can download icon packs that can be used as icons in Rastil. For more information, see the instructions that came with the file.

Below is a sample image.
