Docking panel
Checklist trees, search panels, and so on use the Docking Panel, which can be docked anywhere in the window or floating, allowing editing in a free layout.
View docking panel
You can click the side button in the corner of the form to make each panel visible.
For panels that do not have side buttons, it will be displayed from menus and the like.
Docking menu
When docked, click the ▼button in the title bar to display a docking menu. When floating, right-click the title bar to display it.
Docks the panel in the form. Docked panels are split by a split bar. If you want to resize the panel, drag the split bar.
The docked position can be specified in the Docking Position.
Also, double-click the title bar to float.
The panel is detached from the form so that it can be moved anywhere. You can also change the size of the panel freely. Double-click a form frame to dock it.
Right-click on the title bar to view the docking menu.
Float docking
It sticks to the form in the same way as it is docked, but floats on top of other controls and panels. You can also resize it and does not affect the size of other controls.
Hide automatically
When checked, the panel is automatically hidden when the panel is out of focus. However, if the focus is out of focus, it will not be hidden when the mouse cursor is on.
Docking position
When docked or floated, you can specify where the form should be connected.
This is the figure when the docking position is set to "left" and "right"
Close docking panel
You can close the panel by clicking the "×" button to the right of the title bar, "Close" in the docking menu, and clicking the side button.