Animation loading

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When you press the "Input" button of the animation, a dialog for selecting a file to import is displayed. Files that can be additionally read are called . elp".


When you select a file, a dialog like the one below will appear.


The list on the left displays a list of bones of the data you are currently editing, and the right list displays a list of the names of the bones associated with the imported animation.

Select which bone you want the imported animation to associate with from both lists and associate it with the Associate button in the middle. Associating removes the bone from the left list and moves it to the right list.

This allows you to associate the imported animation data with the current bone. Animations that are not associated are imported as unassociated empty data. (Can be associated separately later in the settings dialog)

When you import a file, if there is a bone with the same name, it is automatically associated.