Create Mode

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In create mode, you can create a view by dragging it, by creating it at the origin with the Create button in the panel, or by selecting a vertex of the model. When you enter compose mode, you will see a panel like the one below.


In this dialog, you will configure the settings for the box you want to create. If you set the number of divisions to 1, you can create a box with 8 vertices. Increasing the number of divisions allows you to transform the box into a complex shape. However, please note that this makes the operation troublesome.

分割数1分割数2When the number of divisions on the left is set to all 1 and the number of divisions on the right is all 2

Create a box at origin

To create a box at the origin, use only the box creation panel.

Specify the number of divisions, size, and do not check the vertex selection of the model. Then, when you press the create button, a box will be created at the origin.

Create at any position in the view

Without checking the model vertex selection, you can drag the view to create a box at that location.


In this case, the depth of the box is "Z" of the size in the panel. (The box in the image above looks bent, but it looks so because of the perspective projection.) If it is an orthographic image, you can see that it is created exactly at the specified position. )

Select and create model vertices

With model vertex selection checked, you can drag the view to select model vertices.


After that, when you press the create button on the panel, a box is generated around the selected vertices.


If none of the vertices are selected, a box is created at the origin.