Search panel

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The panel used when searching for checklists.


String to search for

Type the string to find from the target checklist.


What to search - checklist

Specifies the checklist to search for.

検索対象 - チェックリスト

Checklist currently active The checklist for the currently selected tab is for search. If the checklist view is split in two, two active checklists are covered.
All currently open checklists All currently open checklists are eligible.
Checklist in the selected folder All checklists in the folders selected in the checklist tree are eligible. If you selected a checklist file, the folder of its parent is the target.
All registered checklists All checklists in the checklist tree are searched.

Search target - search column

The column to search for. If you want to specify the columns individually, you must enter a name for the column.

検索対象 - 検索列列の名前

All columns Search for all columns.
Specify the display name of the column Searches for columns with display names with the specified name.
Distinguished name for column Searches for columns that have a distinguished name for the specified name.

They are case-sensitive

If checked, the search string you typed is searched case-sensitively. If unchecked, it is not distinguished.


Start search

Once you have entered each item, you can search with the "Start Search" button.


When you search, the search results panel is displayed and the search results are displayed.
