Operating environment and details

Page creation date :

Ver 4.00 ~ Ver 4.02

Soft Details

Soft name Checklist management software "Lastile"
version 4.02
Producer and Copyright Holder Ono-ed
Development environment Visual Studio 2010 Professional Edition

Operation required environment

  • Microsoft Windows XP SP3 (32bit, 64bit)
  • Microsoft Windows 2003 SP2 (32bit, 64bit) (Windows Imaging Component (32bit)(64-bit) is also required)
  • Microsoft Windows 2003 R2 SP1 (32bit, 64bit) (Windows Imaging Component (32bit)(64-bit) is also required)
  • Microsoft Windows Vista SP1 (32bit, 64bit)
  • English Microsoft Windows 2008 (32bit, 64bit)
  • Microsoft Windows 7 (32bit, 64bit)
  • English Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 (64bit)
  • English Microsoft Windows 8 (32bit, 64bit)
  • English Microsoft Windows 2012 (64bit)
CPU PentiumII 600MHz or higher
memory Windows XP: 256MB or higher
Windows Vista: 512MB or higher
Windows 7: 512MB or higher
Windows 8: 512MB or higher
Memory used Approximately 20MB or more
HD free space 10MB or more
Display size More than 800×600
Other components .NET Framework 4 required

Recommended environment

CPU PentiumIII 1.0GHz or higher
memory Windows XP: 512MB or higher
Windows Vista: 1.0GB or higher
Windows 7: 1.0GB or higher
Windows 8: 1.0GB or higher
Display size 1024×768 or more

Operation confirmation specs

  • Japanese Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise
  • English Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
  • Japanese Microsoft Windows Vista Business
Display size
  • 1920×1200 (32bit) (60Hz)
  • 1280×1024 (32bit) (60Hz)
.NET Framework version
  • .NET Framework 4.0 (4.0.30319)

Ver 2.00 ~ Ver 3.02

Soft Details

Soft name Checklist management software "Lastile"
version 3.02
Producer and Copyright Holder Onodera Yuichi
Development environment Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition

Operation required environment

  • Microsoft Windows 98 SE (*1)
  • Japanese Microsoft Windows Me (*1)
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 (※1)
  • Microsoft Windows XP (32bit, 64bit)
  • English Microsoft Windows 2003 (32bit, 64bit)
  • Microsoft Windows Vista (32-bit, 64-bit)
  • English Microsoft Windows 2008 (32bit, 64bit)

*1 Operation, but not supported. Also, some features are not available.
CPU PentiumII 600MHz or higher
memory Windows XP: 256MB or higher
Windows Vista: 512MB or higher
Memory used Approximately 20MB or more
HD free space 10MB or more
Display size More than 800×600
Other components .NET Framework 2.0 (x86) or
.NET Framework 2.0 (x64) required

(Standard on Windows Vista and later)

* You cannot use the previous OS, including Windows 95.

Recommended environment

  • Microsoft Windows XP (32bit, 64bit)
  • English Microsoft Windows 2003 (32bit, 64bit)
  • Microsoft Windows Vista (32-bit, 64-bit)
  • English Microsoft Windows 2008 (32bit, 64bit)
CPU PentiumIII 1.0GHz or higher
memory Windows XP: 512MB or higher
Windows Vista: 1.0GB or higher
Display size 1024×768 or more

Operation confirmation specs

  • English Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
  • English Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate Edition
  • Japanese Microsoft Windows Vista Business
  • Japanese Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic
  • Microsoft Windows 2008 RC0 (on Virtual PC 2007)
  • Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition ServicePack 2
  • Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition ServicePack 2
  • Microsoft Windows 2003 (on Virtual PC 2007)
  • Japanese Microsoft Windows 98 SE
Display size
  • 1920×1200 (32bit) (60Hz)
  • 1450×1050 (32bit) (60Hz)
  • 1280×1024 (32bit) (75Hz)
  • 1024×768 (32bit) (60Hz)
.NET Framework version
  • .NET Framework 2.0 (2.0.50727)

The .NET Framework can be selected and installed in "Custom" in Microsoft Update (or Window Update).