View Operations

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Bone Animation


When you select a bone or joint, the manipulator for movement is displayed.


You can drag it to move the bone. You can also drag the bone directly to move it.

ボーンの移動Moving red manipulator

However, you can only move bones of the root or bones whose parent is a floating bone. If you create all with fixed bones, only the root bones will be moved.


When you select a bone or joint, the FK rotation manipulator and the IK movement manipulator are displayed.


You can drag the rotation manipulator to rotate it in the specified direction. You can also rotate the bone by dragging it directly.

FKによる回転Rotating with a green manipulator

Next, try dragging the move manipulator.


All parent bones up to the floating bone rotated to match the position of the manipulator. Now try dragging the joint at the end of your hand directly.


Like a manipulator, it rotates in conjunction with the parent bone according to the dragged position.


When you select a bone or joint, the scaling manipulator is displayed.


Dragging a manipulator or bone scales the model associated with the part.


Zooming is a local operation only.

UV animation (shared version only)

To manipulate UVs, select the UV animation mode and select the material you want to manipulate from the list.


Drag the view to the desired position with the left mouse button to move the texture.


Also, when moving and enlarging, the manipulator will appear in the upper left corner of the texture, so if you want to move it in a specific direction, drag it to move it.



Drag the view left or right to rotate the UVs. The axis of rotation is the clicked position.



As you drag the view, the UVs are scaled. Enlargement is local only, not diagonally enlarged. It also expands around the clicked position.



Right-click a view to display a menu (if allowed in your preferences). The content is the same as when you right-click the child animation list.