Bone Settings
Specifies the name of the bone.
Alphanumeric names
This name is used to output files that can only use alphanumeric names.
Bone Type
Select between fixed and floating bones.
Fixed bone | It is a common bone. In the animation, you basically move this bone. |
Floating bones | It is there to detach the fixed bone. Floating bones do not count as bones in the end. It is also not possible to operate with animation. |
Bone operation type
A type used to identify bones when manipulating them.
Symmetrical bones | Set to set as symmetrical bones. |
Central bone | Set if you want to treat it as a central bone. |
Symmetrical bones
Set this when you want to make symmetrical edits such as bone configuration and animation.
Using the following example as an example, if you want to specify "upper right arm" as a bone symmetrical in the X plane for the bone of "left upper arm", select "upper right arm" from the tree view of "Symmetrical bone", check only "X" from "Symmetrical", and press the "Add" button on the right. You can see that the selected bone has been added to the list below and set as a symmetrical bone.
Up to seven symmetrical bones can be associated with a single bone, depending on how XYZ can be combined. If you want to delete it, select the bone you want to delete from the list below and press the "Delete" button.
Also, in the above case, the mirror-symmetrical bone of the "right shoulder" is automatically associated with the "left shoulder" bone.
However, bones located in a parent-child relationship cannot be set as symmetrical bones.
In this way, up to 7 settings can be set for each side
Reversal axis
This message is displayed when the bone operation type is set to "Central Bone". Sets the axis for reversing the posture in animation, etc.